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As effective as drugs but without the side effects, ginger is powerful medicine for migraines

Migraines are more than just headaches. They cause a recurring, severe throbbing pain, typically on one side of the head. It is so severe that it interrupts the patient’s ability to do his daily tasks. Of an estimated one billion people experiencing migraines, many of them use painkiller drugs, which come with harmful side effects. If you’re suffering from migraine, don’t compromise your health any further by using these drugs. Instead, try ginger as a natural remedy.

A study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research revealed that ginger is as effective as pain relief drugs in relieving migraine, but with fewer side effects. In this study, researchers from Zanjan University of Medical Sciences in Iran examined the effects of ginger on a typical migraine attack and compared it to the drug Sumatriptan, which is sold under the brand name Imitrex and is one of the top-selling, billion-dollar drugs for treating migraines.

4. des, 2019