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Doctors admit vaccines are harmful and turn our immune systems against us

Weaponizing our own immune systems
Celeste McGovern, an award-winning journalist writing for Green Med Info, noted that the study’s lead author, Yehuda Shoenfeld, is a highly respected scientist in the field of human immunity. Shoenfeld is the author of multiple papers and textbooks, some of which are viewed as the very cornerstones of autoimmunological clinical practice. Unsurprisingly, Shoenfeld has become known as the “Godfather of Autoimmunology.”

Autoimmunology is the study of how the body’s own defense system sometimes turns against itself, resulting in the development of diseases like multiple sclerosis, arthritis, Guillain-Barre syndrome and others.

One of the causes of this immune system malfunction is vaccination. As the authors note in the study abstract:

14. feb, 2019