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Big Pharma Prescribed Drugs’ or Vaccine-Induced Dementia Is Not Alzheimer’s

“More than 50 conditions can cause or mimic the symptoms of dementia.” but “Alzheimer’s (can only be) distinguished from other dementias at autopsy.” — from a Harvard University Health Publication entitled “What’s Causing Your Memory Loss? It Isn’t Necessarily Alzheimer’s”

“Medications have now emerged as a major cause of mitochondrial damage, which may explain many adverse effects. All classes of psychotropic drugs have been documented to damage mitochondria, as have statin medications, analgesics such as acetaminophen, and many others.” – Drs Neustadt and Pieczenik, authors of “Medication-induced Mitochondrial Damage and Disease”

“We are at the beginning of the biggest medical tragedy that mankind has ever witnessed. Never before in history has the medical establishment knowingly created a life-threatening nutrient deficiency in millions of otherwise healthy people, only to sit back with arrogance and horrific irresponsibility and watch to see what happens. I cannot help to view my once great profession with a mixture of sorrow and contempt.” — Peter Langsjoen, MD, Board-certified Cardiologist, discussing the adverse effects of statin drugs that commonly cause serious, difficult-to-detect statin-induced CoQ10 deficiencies in the mitochondria of heart muscle, the central nervous system, and other body tissues. Dr Langsjoen has said that he sees several cases of statin-induced congestive heart failure in his clinical practice each week.

2. mar, 2018