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Shocking vaccine safety warning

More than ever, the American population is plagued by debilitating health problems like, Lyme’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, cancer and dementia – that were virtually unheard of just a few generations ago. Why? Some say it’s genetics; some say it’s environmental pollution; while others say it’s due to the current (ever-growing) vaccine schedule.

Today, let’s focus on an underreported problem within our current vaccination program. Researcher and biochemist Judy Mikovits, PhD, lays the blame for all these modern health problems squarely on retroviruses – which she says affect up to 20 million Americans.

Although these viruses may sometimes lie dormant, Dr. Mikovits maintains that something as simple as the immune challenge of receiving a vaccine can trigger their full emergence, with consequences including illness, disability, and even premature death.

26. feb, 2018