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Start fighting obesity tomorrow with this simple, easy step: Drink only water with your meals

Losing weight can be an arduous process, yet there’s one simple habit that can make it easier. Instead of accompanying your meals with shakes and juices, opt for plain water.

This is what helped over 1,200 elementary and middle school students in New York City shed some unwanted pounds over the course of a five-year pilot program. The placement of water dispensers in the cafeterias not only led to tripled water intake during lunchtime, but also helped the students lose small but significant amounts of weight.

“The nutrition profile doesn’t change much when people increase their plain-water intake, but we do see a significant drop in their saturated fat and sugar intake,” said University of Illinois kinesiology and community health professor Ruopeng An, who conducted a cost-benefit analysis of the program. Though the children consumed less milk, An stated that this wouldn’t pose any major nutritional hazards. (Related: Don’t Become Your Own Worst Enemy During Your Weight Loss Journey.)

14. nov, 2017