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Shocking new study proves that the vaccine industry is just an extension of the abortion industry

The mainstream media is actively trying to bury the findings of a new study that sheds a not-so-positive light on influenza vaccines. Published in the peer-reviewed journal Vaccine, the shocking paper reveals that pregnant women who receive seasonal flu shots year after year are more than four times more likely to have spontaneous miscarriages compared to women who don’t get jabbed.

Funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this groundbreaking research rejects the official government narrative that all vaccines are completely safe and effective, which is probably why some of the gatekeepers of “science” are already starting to question its implications. Vaccine‘s editor-in-chief, Dr. Gregory Poland, for instance, recently stated contradictorily that while the paper raises important questions about vaccine safety that shouldn’t be ignored, he also doesn’t believe that flu shots are in any way responsible for causing miscarriages.

1. nov, 2017