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Statin drugs and vitamin D: A tale of reduction

Vitamin D and its role in our health have received a prominent spotlight, and for great reason. So much of what makes up great health depends on it. Unfortunately, vitamin D has come under attack from many seemingly well-meaning avenues. Our incessant, fear-driven approach to controlling cholesterol is one of the more insidious, unnoticed practices that robs us of our vitality and health.

Vitamin D deficiencies and your health

Vitamin D is not really a vitamin at all. It is a multifunctional miracle of the hormone family and is vitally important to help maintain a healthy immune system, strong bones and a positive mental outlook. It is estimated that nearly 33% of Americans suffer from vitamin D deficiencies. In 2010, a self-selected survey of "highly health-conscious" individuals found that 85% of those surveyed had less than optimum levels of vitamin D.

13. jan, 2014